Copyright Ian Hochberg 2106
My daughter was terrified of getting hurt,
The same as anyone is when learning to ride a bicycle.
Hesitant, uncertain, edging, panicky.
That grey Late Fall – Winter – Early Spring grey Tuesday she tried again, wanting so much what looked so easy .. if only she could ….
Off she started on this day’s attempt …
Wibbly, Wobbly, Wibbly, Wobbly, Wibbly Wobbly …
Then her logical fright was instantly replaced by relaxed balance and the tiny tires on the bird – weight wire rims held her little girl’s body as she broke the fear barrier to emerge into racing confidence on her bike.
I immediately remembered the famous photo from December 17th, 1903 at Kitty Hawk, North Carolina of Wilbur Wright running alongside the Wright Flyer, the first heavier – than – air machine to achieve sustained powered flight as it flew several feet above the beach for the first time with Orville Wright at the controls, as I felt just like he may have at that dawn breaking moment of mankind.
We all have great challenges and mountains before us to scale. The only way to get on the other side of them is to go through them, first.